Friday, June 11, 2010

Destination Guidance and Counselling

To achieve these goals, they should get the opportunity to: (1) recognize and understand the potential, strength, and the development tasks-bangannya, (2) recognize and understand the potential or the opportunities that exist in the environment, (3) recognize and determine the objectives and plans his life and achievement of plan objectives, (4) understand and overcome their own difficulties (5) uses his abilities to the interests, the interests of working places and public institutions, (6) to adjust to circumstances and the demands of environmental and (7) develop all its potentials and strengths optimally. In particular, guidance and counseling aimed at helping counselees in order to achieve its development tasks, including personal-social aspects, learning (academic), and careers. 1. Objective guidance and counseling related to personal-social aspects of counselees are: 

Has a strong commitment in practice the values of faith and devotion to God Almighty, both in private life, family, relationships with peers, School / Madrasah, the workplace, and society in general. Having an attitude of tolerance towards other religious communities, with mutual respect and preserve the rights and obligations of each. Having an understanding of the rhythm of life which fluctuated between a fun (grace) and unpleasant (catastrophe), as well and able to respond positively in accordance with the teachings of religion. 
Have an understanding and acceptance of self in an objective and constructive, both associated with the advantages and weaknesses, both physical and psychological. 
Having a positive attitude or respect for self and others. 
Having the ability to make healthy choices 
Being respect for others, respect or appreciate others, not harassing the dignity or self-esteem. 
Having a sense of responsibility, which is manifested in the form of commitment to duties or obligations. 
Having the ability to interact socially (human relationships), which is manifested in the form of relations of friendship, kinship, or friendship with fellow human beings. 
Having the ability to resolve conflicts (problems) both internal (within oneself) or with others. 
Having the ability to make decisions effectively. 

2. Objective guidance and counseling related to academic aspects (learning) is: 

Having an awareness of the potential itself in aspects of learning, and understand the various obstacles that may arise in the learning process they experienced. 
Have the attitude and positive study habits, such as the habit of reading books, the discipline of learning, have attention to all the lessons, and actively participates in all activities programmed learning. 
Have a high motive for lifelong learning. 
Have the skills or effective learning techniques, such as reading skills, mengggunakan dictionary, lesson notes, and prepare for exams. 
Have the skills to set goals and educational planning, such as making schedules to learn, work assignments, establish itself in the deepening of certain lessons, and trying to obtain information about various things in order to develop a broader perspective. 
Having the mental preparedness and ability to face the exam. 
3. Objective guidance and counseling related to career aspects are: 

Have an understanding of self (abilities, interests and personality) associated with the job. 
Having knowledge about the world of work and career information that support the career maturity of competence. 
Having a positive attitude toward the world of work. In what sense are willing to work in any field of work, without feeling inferior, the origin is meaningful for him, and in accordance with religious norms. 
Understanding the relevance of learning competency (the ability to master the lesson) with the requirements of the job skills or skills that became his career aspirations for the future. 
Having the ability to form a career identity, a way to recognize the work characteristics, capabilities (requirements) that demanded, sosiopsikologis work environment, job prospects, employment and welfare. 
Have the ability to plan for the future, that is life in a rational design to obtain the roles that match their interests, abilities, and socio-economic living conditions. 
May establish career patterns, namely a tendency toward a career. When a counselee aspire to be a teacher, so he always had to drive themselves to activities that are relevant to the teaching career. 
Know the skills, abilities and interests. The success or comfort in a career heavily influenced by the abilities and interests owned. Therefore, everyone needs to understand the capabilities and interests, in the field of work what he's capable of, and whether he was interested in the job. 
Having the ability or maturity to take a career decision.

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