Friday, June 11, 2010

Function, Principle and Principle of Guidance and Counselling

Function Guidance and Counselling is: Understanding the function, ie function of counseling, guidance and help counselees to have an understanding of his (potential) and environmental (education, occupation, and religious norms).Based on this understanding, counselees are expected to develop her potential in an optimal, and adapt themselves to the environment is dynamic and constructive. 
Preventive functions, namely functions relating to the counselor's efforts to continuously anticipate any problems that might occur and attempt to prevent it, so that is not experienced by the counselee. Through this function, the counselor will provide guidance to the counselee about how to act or refrain from activities that endanger themselves. The technique can be used is the orientation services, information, and guidance of the group. Several problems need to be informed to the counselee in order to prevent the occurrence of unexpected behavior, including: the dangers of alcohol, smoking, drug abuse, drop out, and free sex (free sex). 
Development function, which is a function of guidance and counseling more proactive nature of the functions of another. Counselors strive to create a conducive learning environment, which facilitates the development of counselee. School counselors and personnel / other Madrasah in synergy as teamwork collaborate or cooperate to plan and implement programs in a systematic and continuous guidance in an effort to help the counselee achieve their development tasks.Guidance techniques that can be used here is the ministry of information, tutorials, group discussion or brainstorm (brain storming), home room, and field trips. 
Healing functions, namely functions of guidance and counseling which is curative. This function is closely related to efforts to provide assistance to the counselees who have experienced the problems, both related to aspects of personal, social, learning, or career. The technique can be used is counseling, and remedial teaching. 
The distribution functions, namely functions in guidance and counseling to help counselees choose extracurricular activities, majors or courses of study, and consolidate control of your career or job that interests, talents, skills and other personality traits. In performing this function, counselors need to work closely with other educators within and outside educational institutions. 
Adaptation functions, ie functions to assist the implementers of education, head of School / Madrasah and staff, counselors, and teachers to tailor educational programs to educational background, interests, abilities and needs of counselees. By using adequate information about the counselee, counselor / counselor can help teachers in treating appropriately counselees, both in selecting and preparing material for School / Madrasah, selecting methods and learning processes, and develop teaching materials in accordance with the capacity and speed counselee. 
Adjustment functions, namely functions in guidance and counseling can help the counselee to adjust to the self and environment in a dynamic and constructive. 
Repair function, namely the function guidance and counseling to help the counselee so it can fix the mistake in thinking, feeling and acting (willed). Counselor to intervene (to treatment) to the counselee in order to have a healthy pattern of thinking, rational and have the right feelings so that they can deliver them to act or will of a productive and normative. 
Facilitation functions, providing convenience to the counselee in achieving optimal growth and development, harmonious and balanced in all aspects of self-counselee. 
Maintenance functions, namely functions of guidance and counseling to assist the counselee in order to protect themselves and maintain a conducive situation that has been created within him. These functions facilitate the counselee to avoid conditions that would cause a decrease in productivity alone. This function is realized through the implementation of programs that are interesting, recreative and facultative (options) in accordance with the interests counselee 
There are some basic principles that are considered as the cornerstone or foundation for counseling services. 

These principles are derived from philosophical concepts of humanity which is the basis for the provision of assistance or counseling services, both in the School / Madrasah and outside the School / Madrasah. These principles are: 

Guidance and counseling is for all the counselee. This principle means that the guidance given to all the counselee or counselees, both which are not problematic and that problematic; both men and women, both children, adolescents, and adults. In this case the approach used in more of a preventive counseling and development of the healing (curative) and preferred technique of the individual groups (individuals). 
Guidance and counseling as a process of individuation. Each counselee is unique (different from each other), and through the guidance of counselees are helped to maximize the development of such uniqueness. This principle also means that the focus target is to help counselees, although guidance services using group techniques. 
Guidance emphasizes the positive. In fact there are still counselee has a negative perception tuition, because tuition is seen as one way to suppress the aspirations. It's different with this view, the guidance is actually a process that emphasizes the strength and support of success, because tuition is a great way to build a positive outlook about yourself, giving encouragement, and opportunities for growth. 
Guidance and counseling is a joint venture. Guidance is not only the counselor duties or responsibilities, but also the duty of teachers and head of School / Madrasah in accordance with the duties and roles of each. They work as a teamwork. 
Decision-making is essential in Guidance and counseling. Guidance is directed to help the counselee to be able to make choices and decisions. Guidance has a role to provide information and advice to the counselees, who were all very important to him in making decisions.Counselee's life directed by the goal, and guidance facilitating counselees to consider, adjust, and refine goals through the right decision. Ability to make appropriate choices is not an innate ability, but the ability to be developed. The main objective is to develop guidance counselee ability to solve problems and make decisions. 
Guidance and counseling Held in Various Settings (SCENE) Life. Providing counseling services not only take place at the School / Madrasah, but also in the family environment, the company / industry, government agencies / private sector and society in general. Any field of guidance services are multi-faceted, covering aspects of personal, social, education, and employment. 

Keterlaksanaan and successful guidance and counseling services is largely determined by the accomplishment of the following principles. 

Confidentiality principle, namely the principle of guidance and counseling which requires dirahasiakanya all data and information about the counselee (counselee) who becomes the target services, ie data or information which should not be and not worth known by others. In this case the supervising teacher is obliged to fully maintain and protect all data and information so that kerahasiaanya absolutely guaranteed. 
Voluntarism, namely the principle of the guidance and counseling which requires preferences and willingness counselee (counselee) to follow / lead services / activities that it took him. In this case the supervising teacher is obliged to foster and develop such volunteerism. 
The principle of openness, namely the principle of guidance and counseling who willed that counselees (counselee) who becomes the target of service / activities are open and do not pretend, either in providing information about themselves and in receiving various information and materials from outside which is useful for the development of himself. In this case the supervising teacher is obliged to develop openness counselee (counselee). This openness is very relevant to the implementation of the principle of confidentiality and the voluntary self-counselee on the target service / activity. To be able to open counselee, counselor teacher must first be open and not to pretend. 
The principle of activity, namely the principle of guidance and counseling who willed that counselees (counselee) services targeted to participate actively in the management of service / activity guidance. In this case the supervising teacher should encourage the counselee to be active in every service / guidance and counseling activities are intended for him. 
The principle of independence, namely the principle of guidance and counseling, which refers to the general guidance and counseling purposes, namely: counselee (counselee) as targets for guidance and counseling services are expected to be a counselee counselees-characteristics independently recognize and accept himself and his environment, able to take decisions, directing and to manifest themselves. Supervising teachers should be able to direct all the guidance and counseling services are held for the development of independence counselee. 
The principle of novelty, namely the principle of guidance and counseling who willed that target object is guidance and counseling services counselee problems (counselees) in current condition. Services related to "future or past conditions were" seen the impact and / or relation to existing conditions and what is done now. 
The principle of dynamism, namely the principle of guidance and counseling services requires that the contents of the target service (the counselee) is equal to his will always move forward, not monotonous, and continues to develop, and sustainable in accordance with the needs and stage of development from time to time. 
The principle of integration, ie principles of guidance and counseling, which calls for a variety of services and guidance and counseling activities, whether conducted by the supervising teacher or the other, complementary, harmonious, and integrated. For this cooperation between teacher mentors and parties that play a role in the organization of guidance and counseling services need to be developed. Coordination of all services / guidance and counseling activities should be carried out with the best. 
The principle of harmony, namely the principle of guidance and counseling which requires that all services and activities are based on guidance and counseling and must not conflict with existing values and norms, namely the values and religious norms, laws and regulations, customs, knowledge, and habits applicable. Not the service or guidance and counseling activities that can be accounted for if the content and implementation was not based on values and norms which meant it. Furthermore, care and guidance and counseling activities actually have to improve the ability of counselees (counselee) to understand, appreciate, and practice the values and norms. 
The principle of expertise, namely the principle of guidance and counseling, which requires that services and guidance and counseling activities conducted on the basis of professional norms.In this regard, the implementers of services and activities of guidance and counseling personnel should truly experts in the field of guidance and counseling. Supervising teacher professionalism must be achieved both in the organization of the types of services and activities and counseling as well as in the enforcement of codes of ethics guidance and counseling. 
Transfer Case Hand Principle, namely the principle of guidance and counseling who willed that the parties who are unable to carry out guidance and counseling services appropriately and completely above a counselee problems (counselee) mengalihtangankan issue to the parties that more experts. Teacher mentors can receive a hand over the case of parents, other teachers, or other experts, and so did the supervising teacher to teacher can mengalihtangankan case subjects / practices and others.


  1. Replies
    1. yeah these are the "general principles" of guidance and counseling everywhere

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