Friday, June 11, 2010

Guidance and Counselling

Guidance and counseling comes from two words namely guidance and counseling. Tutoring is a translation of the guidance therein contained several meanings. Sertzer & Stone (1966:3) menemukakan comes word that the guidance is of significant guide to direct the pilot, manager, or steer (shown, determine, regulate, or driving).

Prayitno and Erman Amti (2004:99) suggested that the guidance is the process of assistance made by people who are skilled to one or several individuals, both children, adolescents, and adults so that people can be guided to develop his own abilities and self-reliant by harnesses the power of individuals and facilities that exist and can be developed based on the prevailing norms. Meanwhile, Winkel (2005:27) defines guidance: (1) an attempt to equip individuals with knowledge, experience and information about himself, (2) a way to provide assistance to individuals to understand and use efficiently and effectively every opportunity held for personal development, (3) a type of service to individuals so they can make choices, set goals with precise and realistic plan, so they can adjust to satisfy themselves in environments where they live, (4) a process of granting assistance or aid to individuals in terms of understanding the self, linking itself with an understanding of the environment, choose, decide and plan according to their self concept and environmental demands.

I. Djumhur and Moh. Surya, (1975:15) argues that the guidance is a process of continuous assistance to individuals and systematically solve the problems it faces, in order to achieve the ability to understand himself (self-understanding), the ability to accept herself (self-acceptance), the ability to direct himself (self-direction) and the ability to realize themselves (self realization) in accordance with the potential or ability to achieve self-adjustment with the environment, whether family, school and community. In Government Regulation. 29 Years of Secondary Education in 1990 noted that ";; Guidance is the help given to students in order to find the personal, familiar environment, and plan for the future";;.

Based on the above sense can be understood that the guidance is principally the process of assistance by people who are skilled to one or several individuals in terms of understanding the self itself, linking himself with an understanding of environmental, select, define and plan according to the concept itself and environmental demands based on prevailing norms.

While counseling by Prayitno and Erman Amti (2004:105) is the process of assistance is done through counseling by an expert interview (called counselors) to individuals who are experiencing something of problems (called clients) that leads to teratasinya problems faced by clients. Accordingly, Winkel (2005:34) define counseling as the most basic set of activities from guidance in an effort to help the counselee / clients face-to-face with the aim that the client can take responsibility for themselves on various issues or special problems.

Based on the above understanding of counseling can be understood that counseling is an attempt to help the counselee / clients face to face with the aim that the client can take responsibility for themselves on various issues or special problems. In other words, teratasinya problems faced by the counselee / client

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